Check out the new workflow for the ad campaign creation 🎉
From now on, you can save your campaign settings as a template here: and reuse the same template several times.
To do so, click the “Save template” button before launching the campaign:
The template can be published with pre-saved settings or you can adjust them and publish after all necessary edits. All creation tasks of a particular template will be displayed under “Results” and each result can be accessed by clicking on the “Open” button:
You can also create a one-time ad campaign without saving it as a template. Just hit the “Create” button:
The creation history pop-up will open next showing the process and the result:
As you have noticed, in case you create a campaign once it is not saved in the list of templates here because we didn’t save it as a template before creation :)
No matter how the campaign is created - either from a template or it’s a one-time shot, the event is saved in our logs on the Activity page:
Events in Activity can be filtered by:
ad account name
event type - Creation finished, Creation finished with errors
entity ID - campaign ID
entity name - campaign name
Check this article on how to create campaigns in bulk and should you have any questions let us know at