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Snapchat Ads integration explained
Snapchat Ads integration explained

Read article to learn everything about Snapchat Ads integration in Bïrch

Adelina avatar
Written by Adelina
Updated over 2 months ago

Our Snapchat Ads integration includes automation and reports features. Let's dive deep into each of the options below 👇🏼

Automation 🚀

To start creating automated rules please make sure you've connected your Snapchat profile with admin rights to manage ad accounts in Integrations.

Once the ad accounts have been connected, please select Snapchat Ads in rules:

Now you are ready to automate your campaign management processes, set up rules to start and stop the items, change budgets and bids, duplicate, notify about changes in the metrics you are monitoring!

You can start by creating a rule from scratch, or use our pre-configured solutions to make your Snapchat ad campaigns performance even better:

It takes just a few clicks to apply the strategies and templates to your account ⚡️


At this section, you can choose the level that your rule will be working at (items that your rule will be checking):

  • Ad Account

  • Campaigns

  • Ad sets

  • Ads

It is also possible to narrow down the number of items by adding more filters:


It is possible to get notified about the metric values at the ad account level.

The following list actions can be taken at the ad set level:

All of these actions (except from bids management) are available at the campaign level. For the ads level, there are start/pause/notify and add to name/remove from name/replace text in name tasks.


Bïrch has a wide range of metrics for Snapchat Ads automation. Here are groups of metrics available:

Furthermore, you can bring your own data using custom metrics, which means you can:

  • use Google Sheets integration to source your rules with 3rd party data

  • create math operations with existing metrics

  • blend external data and Snapchat data to create completely new metrics

This is a real salvation for better advertising automation! With the help of custom metrics, you can save even more time and effort by successfully managing advertising processes.

New to custom metrics? Feel free to check out our guide on how to set up custom metrics in Bïrch.


You can either select standard timeframes for your metrics, or create your own custom timeframes you make sure your Bïrch rules and reports are pulling the metric values for the period that really matters to your business:

Reports 📊

You can also create a KPI report to check the spend of your campaigns for the given time frame, and also compare the data with the previous period. To do so, simply select Snapchat Ads from the 'platform' breakdown when creating a widget, specify the ad account, add a metric and set a timeframe, then click to 'add a widget' to see the data:

The reports can have a scheduled delivery to keep the team and clients in the loop in terms of your progress. Get started in the Reports section of Bïrch and feel free to learn more about Bïrch reports here.

If there are any question on Snapchat Ads integration left please feel free to ask them either in Intercom chat by clicking the chat bubble at the bottom right of the page, or via the email

Enjoy your automation! 🙌🏻

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