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Start type rules

Learn how to make Bïrch start your campaigns at best times automatically

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Written by Team
Updated over 4 months ago

Say, you've noticed late conversions for one of your ad sets, in other words, referred users are converting after you've already paused an ad thinking it's inefficient. Or you just paused all your ad sets for the night and need to start them all the next day. You can do that manually, but we're looking for something better – here is where the Start rule becomes irreplaceable.  

Example Rules

Based on late purchases

Late purchases are the conversions that happened after you've paused your ad set thinking it's not performing well. But users may still convert from these paused ads and it's usually a good idea to restart these ad sets. Here is the rule you can create: 

Purchases (Pixel) > 0 (Last 7 Days) and
Cost Per Purchase (Pixel) < $50 (Last 7 Days) and
Impressions < 100 (Today)

Based on time

This is pretty straightforward – you can launch campaigns on time they perform the best. 

Time > 3 AM and
Time < 4 AM

In this example your ad sets would be started in the period from 3 to 4 AM. You can also set the rule to run at a specific time using the custom schedule, it's even more convenient.

For mobile apps (previously paused ad sets, but performing well now)

The section name pretty much says it all. It's just a reminder that you can use the mobile app specific metrics, as well as your custom conversion metrics in the rules.

Mobile App Checkouts > 0 (Last 7 Days) and 
Cost Per Mobile App Checkouts < $30 (Last 7 Days) and
Impressions < 100 (Today)

Feel free to check out the video below to see an example of restarting ads with delayed conversions:

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