Yes, it is finally here - duplication of TikTok campaigns has now been made available by TikTok and added to Bïrch 🤩 Let's discover how you can set up an automation rule to copy your well-performing campaigns.
Setting up a duplication rule for TikTok
1. First, go to TikTok automation page and click to "create a new rule"
2. Duplication is currently available at the campaign level, so you can automatically duplicate campaigns with all ad groups and ads inside.
Note: Smart Performance Campaigns (SPC) and Product Sales campaigns are not supported for duplication via TikTok API.
Set the rule at the campaign level and apply filters to target items that need to be checked:
3. Next, let's choose the Duplicate task and define its settings.
You can set the max cap on the frequency of duplication, so if you choose "every 1 hour" for example, campaigns will not get duplicated more often even if they meet the conditions when the rule checks every 15 minutes.
Scroll all the way down to view all options, including "once in a lifetime":
Besides, you can choose to pause or keep the original campaign.
When it comes to naming the copy, you can choose to append the duplicate's name with a specific tag or/and automatically add a number of to the end of the copy name.
For example, with the settings below my campaigns will get duplicated once in a day max, the original campaign will be paused, while the newly created copies will get the name tag " - Copy 1", " - Copy 2" etc:
Complete the rule setup by defining the conditions that should be met for a campaign to be duplicated, set the schedule for the rule checks, and you are good to go!
Important information about the created copies
❗️All newly created duplicates will have “Inactive” status❗️
If you would like to start the copies right after the duplication, please make sure you create a separate Start rule as well.
We have ready-to-use strategies that you can use, please check them out here:
Duplicate campaigns and start them within an hour
Duplicate campaigns and start them at 9 AM next day
Alternatively, you can use the example below to create your own setup:
Rule 1️⃣
Duplicate active campaigns and append the name with " - Copy 1", " - Copy 2"
Filters should be set to target the campaign that need to be checked and duplicated:
Make sure you customize the task settings to pause/keep the original and change the copy naming:
Rule 2️⃣
Start the newly created copies
So this rule would match the paused campaign that have "- Copy" in their name, and will start them:
You can set this rule to check every 15-60 minutes, so that the period between copy creation and start is not too long, especially if the duplication is done frequently by the first rule.
And there you go, happy automation! ✨
If you ever have any questions about how the duplication works, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via in-app chat or at, we will be glad to help you out!